Privacy policy



1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection (“Policy”) is intended for individuals who access and/or use the functionalities of the website (“Users” and “Argenova Website” respectively) and informs about the processing of personal data that may be collected through this Argenova Website (“Data”).
By using the Argenova Website and/or submitting Data through it, Users accept this Policy, along with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Argenova Website.
Users are requested to take a few minutes to carefully read this Policy.

2. Responsible for the Databases.

ARGENOVA S.A., Tax ID Number 30-62539063-6, with registered address at Avda. Leandro N. Alem 855, 32nd Floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (“Argenova”) is the responsible party for the database that incorporates the Data provided by Users through this Argenova Website.

3. Data Collection

Argenova treats Data confidentially, in good faith, and in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Through the “CONTACT” section of the Argenova Website, Users may provide Argenova with certain contact information. In this regard, if Users consent to this Policy (which must be done before sending a message through the “CONTACT” section of the Argenova Website), Argenova may collect their names and surnames or corporate name, as applicable, email address, and any other Data that Users may include in the message. If the message provides information about another person, Users declare that they have obtained the corresponding authorization from the data subject for the collection and processing of the Data in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
If Users voluntarily decide to provide Data, it must be truthful, accurate, and complete. In case the Data is inaccurate or incomplete, Users may not be able to navigate the Argenova Website or enter into agreements with Argenova.

4. Purposes for which Argenova will use the Data.

Argenova will use the contact Data to facilitate communication with Users in order to address, resolve, or timely respond to the messages sent by Users through the “CONTACT” section of the Argenova Website.

5. Access to the Data

Access to the Data is restricted to those individuals who necessarily need to access it in order for Argenova to fulfill the purposes established in this Policy. Argenova will ensure that anyone who accesses the Data respects the rights of Users as Data subjects and at all times observes and complies with their duty of confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 25.326 and Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001, and other applicable regulations.
In this regard, it is informed that Argenova and the individuals involved in any phase of Data processing are obligated to respect their duty of confidentiality, even after the relationship with Argenova and the Users has ended.

6. International Transfer. Assignment

Argenova may transfer or assign Data to its commercial partners, related companies, professional advisors, government entities, courts, public prosecutors, and service providers, only if necessary for Argenova to exercise its rights and fulfill: (i) the purposes that motivated its collection; and/or (ii) legal obligations. Likewise, Data may be shared with third parties in the event of, for example, an investigation, corporate reorganization, merger, spin-off, sale of assets, or transfer of shares.
While most of the recipients to whom Argenova may eventually transfer or assign Data are located in Argentina or Spain Others may find or develop relevant operations in jurisdictions whose level of protection may not be equivalent to that provided by the Law. However, at all times, Argenova will ensure that the transfer or assignment of Data is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by Articles 11 and 12 of Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326 and Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001, and other applicable regulations. In this regard, and without prejudice to the foregoing, Users provide their free, voluntary, prior, express, and informed consent for Argenova to transfer and/or assign their Data, even to jurisdictions whose level of protection is not equivalent to that provided by the laws of the countries where Users reside.

7. Data Processing. Service Providers

When the processing of Data is delegated to a third-party processor, or when the provision of a specific service involves the processing of Data, Argenova will formalize the hiring in writing (including in the corresponding contract the clauses required by Article 25 of Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326 and Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001), select a processor/provider that provides sufficient guarantees regarding the adoption of technical and organizational security measures, and ensure that the processor/provider acts on its behalf and according to its instructions.

8. Data Accuracy

To ensure that the Data stored in Argenova’s database is accurate and up to date, Users must notify Argenova of any changes to their Data. Likewise, if Argenova becomes aware of any inaccuracies in the Data stored in its databases, it will correct such inaccuracies at the earliest opportunity.

9. Databases. Security

Argenova is responsible for the database in which the Data collected through the Argenova Site or provided by Users through the Argenova Site is stored. Argenova adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data, in order to prevent its alteration, loss, consultation, or unauthorized processing, and to allow the detection of information deviations.

10. Cookies.

As stated in Argenova’s Cookie Policy, this Argenova Site uses “cookies” (pieces of information created by websites). In short, Argenova aims to ensure that when Users visit the Argenova Site, their experience is as suitable and personalized as possible. All information collected through these technologies that constitutes Data, if applicable, will be processed in the same manner as the Data. For more information, Users should carefully read Argenova’s Cookie Policy.

11. Minors.

Argenova does not knowingly collect Data from individuals under the age of eighteen (18). In the event that Argenova becomes aware that a minor has provided Data, it will immediately delete such Data.

12. Links to Third-Party Websites.

The Argenova Site may include links to third-party websites. In this regard, it is clarified that the processing of personal data by the controllers of the aforementioned sites is not covered by this Policy or the aforementioned Cookie Policy. Users accept and acknowledge that Argenova has no control over such websites and, consequently, is not and will not be responsible for the content or services provided by such websites, nor for the way in which personal data is processed through said websites.
Therefore, we suggest that Users, before browsing or providing their personal data through the aforementioned websites, review the privacy policies that regulate the processing of personal data collected through them.

13. Rights of Data Subjects. Exercise of Rights. Contact

Users, as the owners of their Data, may exercise the rights granted by the Law, such as: (i) access; (ii) rectification; (iii) erasure; and (iv) cessation of the sending of advertisements, offers, and promotions. To exercise such rights

Argenova S.A.
Leandro N. Alem Avenue 855, 32nd Floor
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C1001AAD)
Phone: +54 11 7078 0932

In some cases provided by the law, Argenova may, by reasoned decision, deny the request for erasure when it could cause harm to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or when there is a legal obligation to retain the Data. Once the aforementioned conditions are met, if applicable, Argenova will proceed with the request according to the terms and deadlines established by the law.
In any case, Users of the Argenova Site are informed that the Access to Public Information Agency, as the Control Body of Law No. 25,326, has the authority to handle complaints filed by individuals whose rights have been violated due to non-compliance with the current regulations on personal data protection (

14. Policy Changes.

If Argenova decides to modify the way it collects, processes, and/or uses the Data, the categories of Data collected, and/or any other aspect related to this Policy, Argenova will notify Users by issuing a new privacy policy that will be sent to the email address they have provided, if applicable, and, if necessary, will request their prior, express, and informed consent to the new privacy policy. Furthermore, this Policy and any other policy that replaces it in the future will be available on the Argenova Site.